Posts by eamanu

My contributions to Free Software - June 2024

python-release: New upstream release. Fix two bugs #1067826 and #1073488.

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My contributions to Free Software - May 2024

scikit-build-core: New upstream release 0.9.3. Uploaded to unstable.

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My contributions to Free Software - April 2024

commonmark: Adopt orphaned package.

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My contributions to Free Software - March 2024

monty: New upstream release monty_2024.2.26.

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My contributions to Free Software - February 2024

scalene: New upstream release Closes 3 RC bugs: #1037852, #1055725, #1056886.

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Poetry package in Debian

If you have any comments or recommedantion or opinion just ping me to I will respond you as soon as possible.

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My contributions to Free Software - January 2024

python-cassandra-drive: New upstream release 3.29.0. This version fix the build with Python3.12. Use nose instead of nose2 for tests. And add python3-pyasyncore becase upstream still use asyncore.

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Poetry package in Debian

I maintain poetry package in Debian and I would like to write some blog entries, basically for two reasons: 1. I want to just write a blog, and 2. because I think that I can improve more things in poetry package if I write about it. I do not pretend write about the poetry itself, I want to talk about the Debian package.

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My contributions to Free Software - December 2023

poetry-plugin-export: Introduce version 1.6.0 to Debian.

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My contributions to Free Software - November 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - October 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - September 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - August 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - July 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - June 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - May 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - April 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - February & March 2023

This was a weird begin of the year. Sad situations occupied my days, but here we go. I hope start increase my contributions in the next months :-)

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My contributions to Free Software - January 2023

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to Free Software - December 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - November 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - October 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - September 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - August 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - July 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - June 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - May 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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April 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - March 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open sources - February 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - January 2022

This is the list of the contributions:

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My contributions to open source - December 2021

Document headings start at H2, not H1 [myst.header]

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My contributions to open source from someday - November 2021

This is my first entry since I remove my hosting with WordPress. So, now I’m using ablog, and I move my code (include this blog) from GitHub to Gitlab after the well know GitHub Copilot

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My contributions to Open Source; February 2021

Open Source

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My Contributions to Open Source – March 2021

* Working on python-flask-principal
* Working on python-fsspec

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My contributions to Open Source - January 2021

After a week for holidays, now it’s time to start contribute 🙂

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My contributions to Open Source – December 2020

Better late than never

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My contributions to Open Source – November 2020

Working on Debian Python Team on fixing FTBFS for python3.9-defaults. Also:

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My contributions to Open Source – September/October 2020

I cut my finger’s tendon with a knife, so my contributions was down.

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My contributions to Open Source – August 2020

August was an amazing month. I participate on the ontline DebCon20 and I make my first talk on a DebConf ( From there, a lot of ideas came to light. For example, create a local groups on La Rioja and now officially the Debian Academy I am preparing some packaging tutorial.

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  • 30 August 2020
  • Author: eamanu

DebConf20 finished. This was my second DebConf in my life. Once again after the DebConf I am motivating to continue contributing on the Debian and be part of this big community.

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My contributions to Open Source – June/July 2020

On Debian I work a little in Poetry packaging reviewing a merge request. I worked on palettable Now is in pending upload.

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FLISOL 2020 La Rioja, Argentina.

Antes de continuar, debo agradecer a la organización de la FLISOL: José Andrés Tejerina, Pablo Corzo, Mercedes Lobos, Mauricio Lahitte y especialmente a Nicolas y Marcos que estuvieron en el día del evento, gestionando el horario de los speakers y haciendo streaming a Youtube.

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My contributions to Open Source – May 2020

This will be a very very small entry. I couldn’t spent lot of time to free and open source projects.

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My contributions to Open Source – April 2020

April was a complicated month (adding the quarantine issue), so I cannot dedicate the time that I wish.

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My contributions to Open Source – March 2020

This was a Debian month. I worked on several NMU on packages (non-maintainer upload) to give support to python3.7 and python3.8. Currently Debian is trying to support two version of python3 (3.7 and 3.8). Whole packages before move from unstable to testing, need build (obviously) and run some tests (called autopkgtest). Some packages just test for one of that versions (commonly py37) and does not test for py38. That is a problem because the package can be building and installing successfully for one version, but fail for the other one. Just adding some minor changes we can test for all versions supported 😀

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Zoom: Problema al compartir pantalla en Debian Testing

Una entrada muy corta, por si alguien tiene problemas al compartir la pantalla usando Debian Testing (tengo la sospecha que lo mismo sucede en Debian 10, pero no lo probé ni tampoco investigué).

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My contributions to Open Source – February 2020

I’m now Debian Maintainer ( 🙂 so, it’s time to spend more time on Debian. I was working on severels bugs de Debian and I receive uploads permisssions to flask-jwt-simple and flask-jwt-extended ( and Flask jwt simple was my first upload 🙂 ( Also I was trying to clean my backlog tasks I introduce scalene and libcamera to NEW. Also I was working on coccinelle.

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Soy Debian Maintainer

Después de un largo camino que empezó en el año 2017 (yeah!), cuando un día me despertó la curiosidad de cómo sería comenzar a contribuir en algún proyecto de Open Source, me uní a Debian, contribuyendo de a poco.

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La Universidad y el Software Libre y Código Abierto

El año pasado para el Encuentro Informático de La Rioja (2019), que tengo la suerte de venir participando desde el 2012, hice esta pequeña crítica que hoy estoy escribiendo aquí.

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My contributions to Open Source – January 2020

Good news! I applied for Debian Maintainer, the process is: jcc advocate me. 🙂

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My contributions to Open Source – October/December 2019

2019 ends and I plan spend more time to FOSS on 2020. So here is my contributions to the end of 2019.

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My contributions to Open Source – July/September 2019

3 months pass from my last entry about my contributions to Open Source.

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My contributions to Open Source – June 2019

On CPython’s asyncio module for public API the loop parameters for that is deprecated on python 3.8 and planned to remove on 3.10. So, I work on bpo-36373. I divide the work on different PR for each module:,,, For that, a warns message may be launch and should be inform on documentation. Also, the unit tests may wrapped with ``with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning)

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My contributions to open source – April and May 2019

Well this last two month I was a littler busy, so I can not log my open source activities. But yes, I was working on it 🙂

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My contribution to open source – March 2019

On Github:

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My contribution to open source – February 2019

At March 24th I will tell my contributions to open source at February.

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My contribution to open source – January 2019

This is a new year, and like happen always on new years we purpose several goals. My principal goal is have more contribution to CPython. I want to in the future convert me in a Core Dev (I know this is a hard work), maybe not in this year but yes on 2020. My other goal is convert me in a Debian Developer, so I have to involve more on Debian too. I want to involve me on contribute on Cython and Django projects.

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My contribution to open source – December 2018

This month I to the next contributions:

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My contribution to open source – November 2018

This month I to the next contributions:

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My contribution to open source – October 2018

During this month I had just a little contributions to open source, because a was working on the SAOCOM 1A mission launching.

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Hi! Hacktoberfest is my first hackaton in my life. This is the fifth hackaton organized by digital ocean. The challenge is made 5 PR and you will win a T-Shirt. This year there are 50,000 T-shirt. So, good luck for me :-).

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Guía Debian Maintainer [2/?] – Documentos para leer

Continuando con la lectura de la guía del nuevo mantainer este lista una serie de documentos que son de gran importancia y que deberían leerse:

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Guía Debian Maintainer [1/?] – Creando la estación de trabajo.

Buenas, empiezo esta serie de entradas con el mismo motivo que lo hago en todas mis entradas: llevar un registro de las cosas que hago, o de los problemas que voy teniendo, y la manera en que puedo resolverlo. ¿Para qué? Simplemente porque tengo una memoria poco confiable y además, si alguien tiene ese mismo problema, contribuir un poquito en ayudarle. Así que escribo como si alguien más lo estuviera leyendo (Si alguien más está leyendo esto, gracias).

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Debian/watch: Usando uscan Tool

El archivo watch en el directorio debian de todo paquete debian (que valga la dedundancia) se utiliza para checkear si existen versiones más reciente del software empaquetado y lo descarga si es neceario. Para realizar una descarga necesitamos usar la herramienta uscan que forma parte del paquete devscript.

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Trabajando con GIT

Git es un sistema de control de versión distribuido free y open source que fue diseñado para manejar proyectos que van de muy pequeños hasta inmensos proyectos, como por ejemplo Linux. Git nos permite el manejo de estos de una manera rápida y eficiente.

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Jefes: Vuelvan a la facultad

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¡Que sencillo es mantener un paquete! git-dpm review

Hace un tiempo que estoy contribuyendo en el proyecto Debian, en mis tiempos libres, espero algún día poder dedicarle más tiempo. Me parece que es un gran proyecto para contribuir, hay miles de personas allí y siempre están dispuestas a ayudar.

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Generación SSH key

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Problema Linux: Xsession: warning: unable to write to /tmp

Hace algunos días tuve un problema con mi Debian (en Virtual Box). Utilizo maquinas virtuales para probar cosas nuevas, probar distrbuciones, o cuando estoy en una máquina que no me da privilegios de root y necesito trabajar con libertades.

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Emacs como IDE de python

Si, emacs como IDE de python. Emacs es una poderosa herramienta (y dificil) pero una vez que le agarras la mano, quieres usar emacs con todo. Este es un ejemplo. Voy a mostrar como integrar python a emacs.

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Integrar la cámara en una APP – Android

En esta entrada voy a explicar cómo se puede integrar la cámara de los dispositivos Android a una actividad. Esto quiere decir, que si tienes una app que necesita sacar una foto, no hace falta que hagas uso de otra app para tomar la foto, sino que ya viene incluida en la APP que estamos diseñando.

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Contribuyendo a CPython

Hace un tiempo, me entró la curiosidad, y el deseo de comenzar a contribuir al proyecto de CPython. Este es el intérprete de Python, escrito en C. Así mismo existen otros intérpretes escritos en otros lenguajes como por ejemplo Jython (en Java), pero este sería el «original».

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Escribir mensajes de commit en Git

More detailed explanatory text, if necessary. Wrap it to about 72 characters or so. In some contexts, the first line is treated as the subject of an email and the rest of the text as the body. The blank line separating the summary from the body is critical (unless you omit the body entirely); tools like rebase can get confused if you run the two together.

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