My contribution to Open Source - November 2022¶
This is the list of the contributions:
Make the package reproducible. Use LC_ALL and LANGUAGE variables to fix the unreproducible issue.
New upstream release.
Upload to unstable
jcc: New upstrem release with support for python3.11. Closing #1023906. Uploaded to unstable
poetry-core: New upstream release 1.3.2. Uploaded to unstable
cleo: Upload to 1.0.0a5 to be compatible with the new version of poetry. Uploaded into unstable
poetry: New upstream release: 1.2.2. Still working on.
Other projects¶
DataStax Python Driver: Report possible flaky test test_nts_token_performance. The reported issue is PYTHON-1315
DataStax Python Driver: Report error during the build using Python3.11. The reported issue is PYTHON-1316
python-cleo: Report issue CVE-2022-42966: exponential ReDoS. Originally reported in