My contribution to Open Source - July 2022¶
This is the list of the contributions:
python-flask-jwt-extended: new usptream release 4.4.2. Uploaded to unstable.
python-xlib: new upstream release. Waiting for sponsorhip.
monty: new upstream release. Waiting for sponsorship.
rust-umask: New upstream release 2.0.0. Uploaded by Sylvestre Ledru
poetry-core: New upstream release 1.0.8. Uploaded by Louis-Philippe Véronneau
poetry-core: Upload 1.1.0-b3 to experimental. In progress.
markdown-it-py: Fix #1013204 whishlist bug. Patch from David Paul was applied.
python-marshmallow-sqlalchemy: Update version to 0.28.1. Waiting for sponsorship.
Other projects¶
Nothing this month :(
My contributions to open source - June 2022
My contributions to open source - August 2022