--- title: My contributions to open source - December 2021 date: Dec 31, 2021 author: eamanu tags: new-blog, Debian, python, open-source --- ## Debian This is the list of the work on Debian: * fsspec. Working in the new upstream release 2021.11.1 . Still in progress. Reviewed by morph. * mod-wsgi. Closes . New upstream release 4.9.0. And several improve in the package. Uploaded by morph. * pastel. Fix . Support for run autopkgtest with python3.10. Uploaded by morph. * shellingham. Working in the new upstream release 1.4.0 . Still in progress. Reviewed by morph * poetry. New upstream release 1.1.12. Build it with pep517. ## Other projects sadly No time for this :( Happy GNU Year :-)